Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A thought...

Don’t we need an oprah type show in India…? You can copy all other kinds of sensationalist (s)hit shows but the one show that can really matter you don’t take ‘inspiration’ from… Instead of having all celebrity chat shows cant we have normal people coming up and sharing their inspirational stories..? On primetime. Wouldn't it make a difference to the lives of millions of Indians to hear about inspiring stories of people like them? How 'ordinary' people overcame their addictions, fought against abuse, for their rights... Wouldnt the story of a normal person overcoming cancer, or of a person who doesnt have much to live but is doing what he can to make the world a better place, a woman having courage to speak out against abuse and atrocities... wouldn't this empower people? Wouldn't you want to know why exactly do young people end up joining rogue outfits like the MNS? Get a young recruit on national tv and ask him why... If you get celebrities on your show then instead of asking them their current relationship status ask them about their struggle to get there... jeena isi ka naam hai was pretty good there i think... but we'll probably get another rendition of big boss or is jungle se mujhe bachao...


Cracker Lady said...

There's always Barkha Dutt (News Anchor/Drama Queen) , hoisting her 'We the People' flag and forcing people to cry on camera.

Indian television is far too immature to realize a show like Oprah's. Plus, India doesn't spend that kind of money on television. Don't all the sets looks the same just with different colored lighting?! And the story line! :|

PS: Your blog made nice reading. Also, you might be the only guy who has actually seen 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'.

abhishek said...

We the people is more confrontational... doesn't provide the kind of atmosphere oprah does. i mean both have very different purposes.
Oprah got that kind of money after her show got famous right? so that kind of money isn't that much of a prerequisite i guess. And yea indian television is far too immature but not the indian crowd. :) well ok most of the crowd too but i think it could work...

Unknown said...

hmmm high time we have a show that actually addresses issues that matter...something that is able to take over other reality shows that sell nothing but crap...something that every Indian is compelled to watch and talk about and forces the normal person to think...we need more than just entertainment now...