Sunday, February 14, 2010

end of an era?

One thing that really broke my heart over the past few days was the apparent demise of the forum. People getting caught... both literally(by those pesky IT services) and figuratively (caught in work). This was the only thing that kept me going... an outlet for my frustration... a refusal to grow up... is it a coincidence that this demise has coincided with my increasing frustration and restlessness to quit? maybe... maybe not... but definitely a contributing factor. I used to tell my friends so proudly that i breached the 550 mail barrier in my inbox today... some days it even touched 600. Those quizzes... pulling each others legs... those discussions on weird topics... that sarcasm... witty comments... basically going crazy and having fun in the process... i dont think any one else any where else was a part of something like this... something special that we shared... the only thing that motivated me to come to the company in the morning... met some really amazing people... ppl with amazing talent...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yup man that was one great driving factor to come to office especially for me cozz I had nothing to do other than talking to you guys......I dont know somehow a connection is created among us all....hope we continue to be friend through facebook or orkut or god knows what new site in future .......keep blogging bro,,,,,,,