Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flawed process?

We should be allowed to vote twice... once for the local leaders then another vote for whom we want as the prime minister. What if i want a person of one party in state and a person of another party as the prime minister? What is good for the state and for the nation may be entirely different. We need more power...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is this a question?

Is this a question?

(a) naaah... nope... not really... ahun... dont think so... nada...
(b) yep... seems like it... certainly has the makings of a good, decent, respectable question which the society would be proud of...
(c) the answer is the question itself
(d) the question is the answer itself
(e) this is a questionable answer if that is an answerable question

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

random stuff...

A statement i read in nick miller's article - "... as they say a buttefly flapping its wings in tokyo will make cristiano ronaldo fall over in manchester." Hilarious... Made me actually laugh... even though i'm a red devils fan...

The obvious laws of the really obvious

Some of the laws composed in this Prep Leave:

abhi's law of the really obvious - " The rate of studying is directly proportional to the quality of the zerox."


"A survey of one during PL showed that the mind is at its creative best when a book of haykin is put before it."

urvashi's correction : "The mind is at its creative best when any damn engineering book is put before it."

rucha's law of the really really obvious - " The speed of studying is inversely proportional to the creative imagination of one's mind."

rucha's law of the insanely obvious that your mind boggles at its obviousness and even the statement "This statement is not funny you know... not even a teensy weensy bit humorous though it could bring a smile at your face... thinking about the pathetic attempt to be amusing... the pressure gets to you you know." cries before it and wishes that it was this obvious - "The speed and quality of studying is directly proportional to the number of exams left."

And to all my fans in the star system of Betelguese - "Hi there!!"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Interesting probability problem

Everyone says 'jaago' and vote do... but if i don't know who is the right candidate... or is there a right candidate even?? So what will be BETTER? if i DO vote randomly i could vote for the right person if there is a right person or i could vote for a wrong person unknowingly and the right person could be affected... or i DON'T vote so if there is a right candidate he wont get a vote... and if there are no right candidates it wont make a difference either way...